Geeta Gyan When Should Emotions Be Controlled Know The Priceless Thoughts Of Gita

Knowledge of Geeta: Shrimad Bhagwat Gita describes the teachings of Lord Krishna that he gave to Arjuna during the Mahabharata war. Gita is the most influential book. The Bhagavad-gita is also called the song of the Lord. The priceless words of Gita show man the right way to live life.

Geeta teaches the lesson of religion, karma and love in life. Gita is a complete philosophy of life and the person who follows it never gets disappointed in life. In Gita, Shri Krishna has said that in which situation a person should control his emotions.

precious words of shri krishna

  • Shri Krishna says in the Gita that where it becomes difficult to understand others, it is wise to limit the feelings to one’s own mind by explaining one’s own mind.
  • According to Shri Krishna, waiting for the right time is like fooling oneself. The right time comes only when you put in the effort to make it right. That’s why instead of sitting with folded hands, get up and do your work.
  • It is written in Gita that only coward and weak people leave things to fate. On the other hand, those who are strong-willed and self-reliant never depend on destiny or luck. Such people achieve everything with their hard work.
  • According to Geeta, no person should be good just for show off. God knows you not only from outside but also from inside and it is useless to show off in front of Him.
  • Shri Krishna says that difficulties come in the share of only the best people because only those people have the power to execute them in the best way. That’s why one should never panic when difficulties arise.
  • The value of time, person and relationship is realized only after losing it.
  • Shri Krishna says that the body is mortal but the soul is immortal. Even after knowing this fact, a person takes pride in his mortal body which is useless. Instead of being proud of the body, man should accept the truth.
  • Whether you are happy or sad depends on your thoughts. If you want to be happy, you will be happy in any situation. If you bring negative thoughts, you will be unhappy. Thought is the enemy and friend of every person.

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