Girls purified during menstruation know Different rituals in Indian states on girls periods

Menstruation or periods are an important phase in the life of any girl. Menstruation is a sign that a girl’s body is getting ready for the future. According to science, as soon as menstruation starts, many hormonal changes take place in the body. It can be understood in this way that women’s body becomes ready to become a mother only after periods arrive.

Getting periods is a normal and natural process. Despite this, it is not considered good in many places. Girls are considered impure during their periods and many restrictions are imposed on them. However, in many states, periods are also considered a gift from God. A ceremony is also organized when it starts. Let us know what are the customs regarding menstruation in different states of the country…

ritual of purification

In Karnataka and other South Indian states, Ritusuddhi or Ritu Kala Sanskaram is organized as soon as a girl’s menstruation starts. In a way, this is a ritual of girls becoming adults. During this, the girls are bathed and made to wear Langa Voni (Half Saree Function). During this time, the girl’s family and friends give her gifts. Women tell the girl everything related to periods, so that she does not have to face any kind of problem in future.

tulonia bia

In Assam, when a girl gets her periods for the first time, a festival called Tuloniya Biya is celebrated. It is a festival similar to marriage, in which the girl is prohibited from doing many things. She is even purified and sent to a room, where she has to stay during her menstruation. During this time, looking at the Sun, Moon and stars is also considered inauspicious. After seven days, the girl is prepared and married to a banana plant. In this ceremony the girl’s relatives give her gifts.

Manjal Niratu Vija

In Tamil Nadu, at the beginning of periods, relatives are invited by distributing cards. The girl’s uncle has to make a hut from coconut, neem and mango leaves, in which the girl is bathed with turmeric water. The girl has to stay in this hut during her menstruation, during which she is even served delicious dishes.

Raja Prabha

In Odisha, a three-day event is organized at the beginning of periods, which is called Raja Prabha. During these days, girls do not take part in any work, they are made to wear new clothes. On the fourth day, girls are given a bath.

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