Global Times Says India Moving From Dream To Reality Chinese Writer Praised PM Modi | China’s official newspaper Global Times praised PM Modi and India, said

Chinese Writer Praise PM Modi: Chinese newspaper Global Times has praised India. Zhang Jiadong, director of Fudan University’s Center for South Asian, has written in Global Times that India has achieved excellent results in economic development and social governance.

He said, “I recently visited India twice. During this time I found that India’s domestic and foreign situation has changed a lot. India has achieved good results in economic development and social governance. India’s Power Strategy It has moved from dream to reality. However, some potential risks and dangers have also emerged.

‘The economy picked up pace’
“On the one hand, India has made great achievements in economic development and social governance. On the other hand, its economy has also gained momentum and is on its way to becoming one of the fastest growing economies,” Zhang said. Meanwhile, New Delhi has also made progress in urban governance. However, the smog is still severe here. The smell that was felt earlier while deboarding the plane has now disappeared. This shows that the environment in New Delhi has also improved.

India is emphasizing on its export potential
The director of Fudan University further wrote that during talks with Indian representatives, their attitude towards Chinese scholars was more relaxed rather than being stubborn at times. He said that earlier while discussing the trade imbalance between China and India, Indian scholars used to focus on China’s measures to reduce this trade imbalance, but now times have changed. Now Indian scholars are focusing on China’s measures. The place is placing more emphasis on its export potential.

India’s brilliant strategy in the diplomatic field
Professor Zhang said that apart from this, along with rapid economic and social development, India has now become more strategically confident. India has now become more active in creating and developing the narrative. In the diplomatic field, India has rapidly moved towards a powerful strategy.

He said, “Ever since the Prime Minister Narendra Modi Since assuming power, he has advocated a multi-alignment strategy to promote India’s relations with the US, Japan, Russia and other countries and regional organisations.”

India’s strategic thinking changed
He said, “There has been another change in India’s strategic thinking regarding foreign policy and it is now moving towards a more powerful strategy. Due to the Russia-Ukraine war, India has distanced itself from the West and More connected with developing countries.”

‘India wants to become world leader’
Zhang said in his article that in the political and cultural fields, India has moved ahead by emphasizing its democratic consensus with the West. India now wants to become a world leader politically and culturally. India now sees its cultural tradition not only as a symbol to achieve its interests and attract foreign tourists, but it also sees it as a great power. He said that India has always considered itself a world power.

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