Godfather Of AI Geoffrey Hinton Left Google Warns Against Danger Of AI In Coming Yeras

AI of Godfather Left Google: All of you must have heard about Chat GPT by now. This is an AI tool. With the help of AI tools, working has become much easier than before. While you, we or all others are curious about AI on one hand, on the other hand there is a person who told AI as his biggest mistake. Actually, Geoffrey Hinton is said to be the godfather of AI i.e. Artificial Intelligence, who worked on this technology for the first time in 2012 with his two colleagues and from here AI emerged.

resigned from google

Geoffrey Hinton has resigned from Google. He worked in Google for more than a decade and contributed in the related field of AI. After resigning from Google, Geoffrey Hinton said that inventing AI was his biggest mistake. He said that he consoles himself that if he had not done so, someone else would have done it. Geoffrey Hinton said that today companies are going crazy to make tools like Chat GPT and it is impossible to stop the competition in this field. The surprising thing is that after the introduction of such tools, the trend of wrong information will increase rapidly and no one will be able to tell what is the truth. Apart from this, Geoffrey Hinton said that it will also be a challenge how the wrong people will be prevented from using AI badly.

Neural network was developed

Geoffrey Hinton and his colleagues developed a neural network that, after analyzing thousands of images, taught itself to recognize common objects such as dogs, cats and flowers. Chat GPT and Google Bard have been created on this basis because these tools also identify things after deep analysis.

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