Google Robot defeated many players in table tennis video goes viral watch

Google Robot Play Table Tennis: Technology in the world is constantly advancing with time. Work is also going on continuously in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). In this episode, researchers of Google DeepMind have done a great feat. Actually, the researchers have created a robot that can play table tennis very well. This robot has a 6 DoF ABB 1100 arm. This robot has defeated many players in table tennis. According to the information, in the test conducted with 29 people, it has defeated the beginner players in all the matches.

How does this robot work

Researchers have made this robot by combining small and large parts for different tasks. The large part is for taking decisions thoughtfully. Whereas the small parts are for specific tasks. Researchers have made this robot in such a way that it can change according to the opponent in front and can take good decisions.

Pro players had trouble playing

This robot defeated many players, but when it faced pro players, it had a lot of trouble playing with them. Not only this, it lost all the matches against good players.

Actually, the robot takes time to make a decision and then respond. This is why this robot has trouble handling fast balls. The game has to be stopped every time and it has less information to learn. Scientists are planning to use new control methods and improve the machine to solve this problem.

Players expressed their desire to play again

According to the researchers, this robot was first taught in a fictional world, where it was taught methods of self-learning and imitating others. After this, it was prepared to work in the real world. Even after defeating it, 26 out of 29 players expressed their desire to play with the robot again and they have had a good experience playing with it.

If innovation in AI and robotics continues like this, then it is possible that we may see robots participating along with humans in the upcoming Olympics.

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