Growing ladyfinger is not a very stressful task, just do this work then you will not have to buy it.

The summer season has arrived. For the past several days, the heat has been increasing rapidly. In such a situation, it is very important to remain healthy. For which you should consume fresh fruits and vegetables. Today we are going to tell you about a vegetable which you can easily grow in your home. Bhindi is such a vegetable that everyone likes, from children to old people, they eat Bhindi with great enthusiasm. In such a situation, ladyfinger is a seasonal vegetable, which produces good yield in the summer season. But since it is a seasonal vegetable, you have to pay the same price for it, so today we will talk about how ladyfinger can be grown at home. 

Okra is cultivated in horticulture, many farmers also earn huge income from its crop. In such a situation, you get to see ladyfinger at a higher price in the market. But it is a very tasty vegetable, hence everyone likes it. Due to everyone’s liking, you might be buying vegetables in large quantities from the market, hence ladyfinger would be heavy on your pocket, but do you know that it is very easy to grow ladyfinger at home. You just have to do these easy tasks that are being told.

Make space in the house
To grow ladyfinger, first of all allocate a space in the house. After this, take good quality seeds from a good seed store and sow them at a depth of at least 3 inches. After this, keep the temperature of the place where okra is to be grown a little mild, remember that there should not be too much sunlight where the seeds are sown. If you do not have space at home, you can grow ladyfinger in pots also. Fill the pot with soil and keep giving it some sunlight. After this, press the seeds in the pot by 3 inches and leave them after watering. Take care that the plant does not dry up during the summer season, keep watering the plant regularly in the morning and evening.

Use natural fertilizers
Always use only natural fertilizers for planting plants, artificial fertilizers available in the market will not only give growth to your plants but will also have a bad effect on your health. . Therefore always use natural fertilizers only. This will also improve the quality of lady’s finger. 

Clean the grass
The ladyfinger plant starts sprouting in 2 to 3 weeks, so if you see grass growing near the plant, prune it. Your first okra crop will be ready within 45 to 50 days of planting, harvest when the crop is 2-3 inches tall and keep harvesting once every two days. Use scissors for cutting. Once you make the cut, another pod will start growing from the same spot. Keep harvesting ladyfinger until the crop stops growing from the plant.

Also read: If you cultivate bitter gourd like this, it will make you rich… This new trick is very useful.

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