Gun is easily available at the shop! Why can’t America get out of gun culture?

Once again the incident of firing has come to the fore in America. This time this incident has happened in a school in America, in which many children have died. The incidents of firing in America are now becoming common and whenever there is a firing, the gun culture of America starts being discussed. America’s gun culture is also considered the cause of many deaths and children have been specially targeted many times. In such a situation, the question remains that when America will be able to get freedom from this gun culture and due to which it is not possible.  What are the conditions and how many people are losing their lives due to this every year. So know about America’s gun culture and its increasing influence…

How is America’s gun culture?

According to Statista’s report, by 2022, 45 percent in America People have guns. Earlier till 1972 this percentage was up to 37 per cent. According to reports, right now the majority of the population has at least one gun in America. 72 million Americans are believed to own a gun. 

Why is gun culture dangerous?

If If we look at the figures of the year 2023 only, according to the report of ABC News, till now in just three months, 9870 people have died due to gun culture. In this, 67 people are dying every day due to suicide. At the same time, there have been 132 shooting incidents in America so far. Deaths due to gun culture include 398 children or teenagers. At the same time, 1.5 million people have died in shooting incidents in America within 5 decades.

Why gun culture is not giving freedom?

Impact of gun culture in America There are many reasons behind this growth and because of those reasons, America is having difficulty in coming out of this culture. Based on the interviews of many actors published in American websites, it can be said that the culture and politics here are responsible for this. Apart from this, due to relaxation in many rules, the figures of gun ownership are increasing. is seen in Because of this, people consider gun ownership as a thing of dominance. Apart from this, there is an influence of gun culture in the politics of America and the laws made regarding it are also being decided from the same rooms. It is believed that the general public there is in favor of controlling it, but the government is refraining from taking a tough decision due to NRA and political pressure and funding. 

A big square gun here He considers keeping as a real manhood and when he is asked about it, he cites security regarding it. Due to making it a sign of their dominance, the people here are not getting ready to come out of it. Apart from this, the easy availability of guns is also a big reason for this, due to which they do not have any problem in getting guns and this increases the effect. 

How to get guns in America?

Buying a gun in America is very easy. Buying a gun is like going to a shop and following some rules and answering some questions, anyone can buy a gun. He can buy a gun within just an hour. There is a background check at the gun shop and only criminal convictions are checked. Apart from this, some declarations are made in a form. This process is instant. During this, it is simply asked whether you have been found guilty or have been guilty in a criminal incident? Gun can be easily bought after answering these questions. 

Also read- Bullet train is there in both Japan and China… but which one is better?

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