Guru Purnima 2024 Doha for Guru on 21 July Kabir Das Ke Dohe in Hindi for Ashadha Guru Punima

Guru Purnima 2024 Doha: The day of Guru Purnima is very special in Hinduism. According to the Panchang, this date is Ashadha Purnima (Ashadha Purnima 2024). It is believed that on this day Maharishi Ved Vyas, the author of the Hindu scripture Mahabharata, was also born. Ved Vyas ji also gave the knowledge of the four Vedas and composed the Puranas. Therefore, this day is also known as Vyas Purnima (Vyas Purnima 2024).

This year Guru Purnima will be celebrated on Sunday, 21 July 2024. Although it is not possible to describe the glory of the Guru, because the Guru is like the light of the Sun and describing the glory of the Guru would be like showing a lamp in front of the Sun. Guru is the basis of our education, knowledge and life. A successful life cannot be imagined without a Guru.

The meaning of the word Guru has been explained in the scriptures. Guru is made up of two letters. ‘Gu’ means darkness and ‘ru’ means the one who removes it. That is, the one who removes the darkness of ignorance and leads to the light of knowledge is the true Guru.

Sant Kabir Das also describes the glory of the Guru in many of his couplets. These couplets of Kabir Das based on Gurus are very popular. In his couplets, Kabir describes the Guru as superior to God and parents. On Guru Purnima, let us know the famous couplets of Sant Kabir Das based on Gurus (Kabir Das Ke Dohe in Hindi)-

I’ll turn the whole earth into paper, writing is all that is needed
I will make the ink of the seven seas, Guru’s qualities should not be written

Meaning: If the entire earth is turned into paper, all the forests are turned into pens and all the seven seas are turned into ink and written on, then it is not possible to not write the qualities of the Guru.

Intro to Guru Paras, All the saints know this.
he turns iron into gold, Mahant did this.

Meaning: Everyone knows that there is a difference between a Guru and a Paras Stone. Paras turns iron into gold. But a Guru makes his disciple great.

Guru Murti standing in front, There is no difference between the two
I salute them only, All darkness vanishes

Meaning: Guru’s idol is standing in front of you, do not consider any other difference in it. Serve and worship only him then all the darkness will disappear on its own.

Guru Govind both are standing, What should I do?
I am grateful to my Guru, Govind told me.

Meaning: There is no well-wisher in life like a Guru. It is the Guru who imparts the knowledge of God. The person who receives the blessings of the Guru transforms from a human being to a deity in a moment.

Kabira those men are blind call the guru and
Hari is an angry guru Guru is not angry at all

Meaning: When Hari (God) gets angry, one can seek refuge in the Guru. But if for some reason the Guru gets angry, then one cannot find refuge anywhere.

The Guru’s command comes, Let the Guru give his orders.
Kabir says he is a saint, Traffic is intoxicating.

Meaning: In practice, a saint should come and go according to the orders of his Guru. Because a saint is one who does sadhna beyond birth and death.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on beliefs and information only. It is important to mention here that Any kind of belief or information is not confirmed. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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