H3N2 Virus Prediction Jupiter Ketu Combination Responsible For Diseases According To Astrology Flu Virus Not Major Harm In India

H3N2 Virus Prediction: The cases of Kovid-19 had decreased for some time that the cases of a new virus have started increasing, due to which there is once again a situation of fear and anxiety in the country and the world. The name of this new virus is H3N2 which is a type of Influenza A virus. When infected with this virus, symptoms of flu such as high fever, shortness of breath, fatigue and dry cough are seen in the patient. These symptoms remain in the body for three weeks.

Meanwhile, once again the cases of corona have also started increasing in the country. Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Prime Minister Modi also called a meeting. H3N2 virus has also increased the concern of the country. These days influenza is wreaking havoc all over the country. People are increasingly getting infected with the H3N2 influenza virus. In this flu children, young, elderly everyone are getting affected. People are getting troubled by fever, cough and phlegm. In such a situation, the question has started to arise whether this influenza virus is becoming a new threat to India.

Till now the fear of corona had not gone from the people’s mind and now this influenza is scaring people more. After the first, second and third wave of Corona, there is only one question in the minds of the people that when will they get rid of this corona virus. Scientists and doctors are continuously engaged in finding its successful treatment. At the same time, astrologers are also doing astrological calculations on this.

How will the new corona virus affect India? People have different beliefs regarding this matter. Sometimes the cases of infection are reduced and sometimes they increase a lot on some day. In such a situation, the question arises that how much effect the new virus will have. Will India be successful in defeating this virus or will Corona show its power again?

Jyotishacharya Dr. Anish Vyas explains that, in Vedic astrology, Mercury is considered to be the cause of seasonal diseases, while Ketu is the cause of mysterious diseases. Shani is Vayu Pradhan which gives speed to things. Jeev Karak Guru gives life to a human being, whereas Venus is the planet to be considered because it is the lord of Sanjivani. In this country, the cases of corona have started increasing as soon as the constellation of Saturn changes. In fact, Shani is currently transiting in Rahu’s Nakshatra and he also has a low vision on Rahu. Rahu is sitting in the fiery sign Aries, so it is obvious that the cases of corona have started gaining momentum. Apart from this, when we talk about H3N2 virus, the role of Mercury is visible in it. Mercury entered its debilitated sign on 16th March. At this time Jupiter, Sun and Mercury are present in Pisces and Saturn is in the twelfth house and Rahu is in the second house.

Jyotishacharya Dr. Anish Vyas explains that Mercury, the cause of seasonal diseases, is currently in Paap Kartari Yoga and Ketu is in Shadashtak Yoga of Mercury. That’s why these signs are clearly visible that there will be an increase in the disease related to some mystery at this time. If we understand more deeply, then on March 28, the planet Jupiter is setting, the effect of which can be seen in the form of spread of disease. On April 22, Guru is entering Aries in the setting stage itself and will create Guru Chandal Yoga by forming an alliance with Rahu. From March 31, Mercury will also be aspected by Shani by creating inertia yoga. At this time, Mars is also sitting in the zodiac sign of Mercury, increasing the diseases related to blood. In such a situation, it is clearly visible that in April and May this disease will be at its highest level and after May 15 the number of patients will start decreasing.

Astrologer Dr. Anish Vyas explains that, in India, the flu season generally lasts twice a year between November to February (winter) and June to September (rainy season). In the last two years, no special attention was paid to the cases of flu due to corona virus infection. But from the month of February this year, the cases of throat diseases and seasonal fever have started increasing. In spite of the increase in temperature in the middle of March, the influenza infection is not taking its name.

According to the Brihat Samhita, the transit of Jupiter ahead of Venus gives rise to diseases of the throat, phlegm, disorder and hailstorm. In the next few days, there may be some damage to standing crops due to hailstorm in North and Central India. As it has been seen in the past that since the middle of February, throat and phlegm diseases are increasing rapidly in many parts of the country due to influenza virus.

Planets Jupiter and Ketu are responsible for infectious diseases.

Jyotishacharya Dr. Anish Vyas explains that, in astrology, both Rahu and Ketu are considered to be the planets of all the diseases caused by infection (bacteria, virus) and hidden diseases. Jupiter is the causative planet of life and life, which represents all of us. Therefore, whenever there is a combination of Jupiter and Rahu or Jupiter and Ketu, then infectious diseases and such diseases spread, which are very difficult to identify or solve. But the special thing in this is that the solution of the diseases caused by Rahu is easily found. But Ketu is considered an enigmatic and mystical planet. That’s why whenever there is a combination of Jupiter and Ketu, then such mysterious infectious diseases come to the fore, whose solution is not easily found and the same is happening at present in the case of corona virus.

Understand the cause of corona virus like this

Astrologer Dr. Anish Vyas tells that since March 2019, Ketu is moving in Sagittarius. But on November 4, 2019, Jupiter had also entered Sagittarius, due to which the combination of Jupiter and Ketu was formed, which causes mysterious infectious diseases. After the beginning of the conjunction of Jupiter and Ketu on November 4, the first case of corona virus came to light in China in the month of November itself. That is, the corona virus became active only after the formation of Jupiter-Ketu in November.

After this, another negative planetary position was formed which was the solar eclipse on 26 December which turned the corona virus into an epidemic. The solar eclipse that took place on 26th December was not normal because on the day of this solar eclipse, six planets (Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu) were forming together, which made the negative effect of the eclipse very intense. In India, its effect was seen in the form of violence in the protests against CAA and NRC. Along with this, the cases of corona virus also increased. Overall, the corona virus came to the fore when Ketu-Jupiter formed in November and after the solar eclipse on December 26, it took the form of a big epidemic.

Even before this, such planetary yoga had created havoc.

Astrologer Dr. Anish Vyas explains that, in the year 1918, an epidemic by the name of Spanish flu spread, which started from Spain. Crores of people in the world were infected by this epidemic. At that time also the conjunction of Jupiter-Ketu was formed. In the year 1991, a big computer virus named Michael Angle came to the fore in Australia, which had caused huge losses in internet and computer field at the global level and even at that time Jupiter-Ketu conjunction remained in transit.

In the year 2005, there was a bird flu called H-5N-1 and at that time also there was a combination of Jupiter-Ketu in transit. In such a situation, whenever Jupiter-Ketu conjunction is formed, major infectious diseases and epidemics come to the fore. In 2005, when the bird flu appeared during the Jupiter-Ketu conjunction, it spread only in a limited area due to the conjunction of Jupiter-Ketu in the earth element. Whereas on November 4, the conjunction of Jupiter-Ketu is formed in the fire sign (Sagittarius), due to which corona virus It spread all over the world with the speed of fire.

Relief from influenza virus

Jyotishacharya Dr. Anish Vyas explains that, at the time of Sun’s entry into Pisces, Pisces ascendant was rising. Along with this, the auspicious planet Guru was sitting in Pisces ascendant. This position of Jupiter is telling that soon the country will get freedom from influenza virus. Sun has entered Pisces on March 15 at 6:35 in the morning according to Indian time.

The presence of Ketu in the eighth house in the horoscope of Sun’s entry into Pisces is a cause of some concern. The aspect of eighth lord and third lord Venus on Ketu in the second house will bring some reduction in the cases of flu. But in some states, a worrying situation like the effect of corona may arise. In the horoscope of Sankranti, due to the effect of third vision of Shani falling from the eighth house i.e. eighth house Venus and loss place on Rahu i.e. the third house from the outer house of the horoscope, there can be an increase in criminal incidents towards women.

Along with this, some economic scams will become very popular in the next 30 days. Coincidentally, in the Taurus Ascendant Kundli of independent India, at present Ketu’s antardasha is going on in the Moon, which is till the middle of July. Due to the influence of Ketu’s sub-period, the cases of influenza virus may increase in South India during June-July during the rainy season. But due to increasing heat in North India during this period, this flu will not show any special effect.

use these

Jyotishacharya Dr. Anish Vyas explains that, it is mentioned in scriptures that there are some such things in our life which have the power to stop any negative thing and they have more immunity. It is easily available anywhere. In astrology, asafoetida, onion, ginger, lemon, garlic, basil, black pepper, clove, cinnamon, cardamom and mustard have been said to cut off any infection and negative energy. Do massage mustard oil on your hands, back, chest and feet. There is nothing more important than life. It is good for all of us to stay away from the crowd, use mask and sanitizer. Must get Covid vaccine.

what to do remedy

Jyotishacharya Dr. Anish Vyas tells that, chant Hanumate Namah, Om Namah Shivay, Hum Pawannandanay Swaha. Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and Durga Saptshati should be recited. Mother Durga, Lord Shiva and Hanumanji should be worshipped. Light a mustard oil lamp in the morning and evening in front of Hanuman ji’s picture at home.

Mustard oil lamp should be lit before 9:00 am and after 7:00 pm. Mix cow urine, camphor, gangajal, salt and turmeric and wipe the house every day. Put a picture of Panchmukhi Balaji sitting on both sides (inside and outside) of the main door of the house. Worship of God destroys and removes all the defects.

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