H5N1 Bird Flu outbreak worse than Covid 19 pandemic fatality rate staggering 52 percent according to WHO figures know what did say Experts | H5N1 Bird Flu: H5N1 virus is more deadly than coronavirus, experts warned of epidemic, said

H5N1 Bird Flu outbreak worse than Covid 19 pandemic fatality rate staggering 52 percent according to WHO figures know what did say Experts | H5N1 Bird Flu: H5N1 virus is more deadly than coronavirus, experts warned of epidemic, saidH5N1 Bird Flu outbreak worse than Covid 19 pandemic fatality rate staggering 52 percent according to WHO figures know what did say Experts | H5N1 Bird Flu: H5N1 virus is more deadly than coronavirus, experts warned of epidemic, said

H5N1 Virus: The world has not yet completely come out of the terrible phase of the Coronavirus epidemic. Meanwhile, now there is a possibility of spread of H5N1 i.e. bird flu epidemic, a disease even deadlier than Covid-19. The new strain of H5N1 can pose a particularly serious threat. The White House has also expressed concern about its spread. Virus researchers have indicated that H5N1 is coming ‘dangerously’ close to triggering a global pandemic.

According to the TOI report, experts believe that the possibility of the bird flu epidemic spreading rapidly remains. Experts say that the H5N1 virus can be more devastating than the Covid-19 crisis. The White House says that it is keeping a close watch on the status of its activation. Many major measures are also being taken regarding health and safety protection.

H5N1 infection has recently been detected in various mammals including cows, cats and humans in America. It has been observed that people are more likely to take decisions more easily and quickly than animals. Such possibilities have become a matter of great concern for the world.

H5N1 cases increased in 6 states of America

A report in the Daily Mail said that such a case was detected when a dairy farm employee in Texas, America, got tested for the virus and his report came positive. Quoting the report, it has been learned that Along with 12 herds of cows in 6 states of America, 3 cats in Texas are also reported to be infected, which died due to infection.

Renowned bird flu researcher Dr. Suresh Kuchipudi warned that we are close to the threshold of a possible pandemic caused by H5N1. He emphasized that the virus has already shown the ability to infect a wide range of mammals, including humans. Because of this, the danger of this terrible epidemic called H5N1 has started looming.

Situation due to H5N1 can be 100 times worse than Covid

John Fulton, a consultant to the pharmaceutical industry, claimed that with the rapid spread of the virus, serious effects are also being seen. Fulton has expressed the possibility of this virus having a high mortality rate and has also claimed it to be a worse epidemic than Covid-19. Fulton says it appears to be 100 times worse than Covid or it could be if it spreads rapidly.

30 percent of infected people will die after 2020

If we look at the data collected by the World Health Organization about H5N1 since 2003, its fatality rate is estimated to be a shocking 52 percent. On the contrary, if we talk about the mortality rate of Covid-19, it is much lower than that of H5N1. Recent cases since 2020 show that about 30 percent of people infected with the new strain of H5N1 have died.

Also read: Now WHO has warned about this virus, said – If you do not take precautions, it will cause devastation like Covid.

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