habit of chewing gum is good or not for health know drawbacks and benefits

You must have often seen people who keep chewing gum all day long. Chewing gum of many fruits is available in the market. Be it children or adults, chewing gum has now become a habit for people. Many people also chew it for oral exercise. But do you know whether eating it is good for health or not? Today in this report we will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of eating chewing gum.

Benefits of chewing gum

Chewing gum has now become a habit of people. It has both disadvantages and advantages, talking about the benefits, chewing it keeps the teeth strong and exercises them. Eating Chingam keeps the digestive system good. Besides, appetite decreases and it also helps in weight loss. Eating it produces saliva which is helpful in cleaning the mouth and eliminating bacteria. Many people also chew it to reduce double chin, because it is the best way to exercise. If you are feeling sleepy while studying, then keep chewing gum in your mouth, this will help you concentrate on studies and will also prevent you from falling asleep.

Disadvantages of chewing gum

Everyone enjoys chewing sweet chewing gum. There are many chewing gums which give a cooling sensation in the mouth. Now people are getting used to it. But do you know that chewing it excessively can cause many types of harm. Its first disadvantage may be stomach ache and gas formation. Continuous chewing can cause problems like toothache, skin problems, diabetes etc. To avoid all this, you should limit the consumption of Chingam. Even if you eat chewing gum, it would be better to eat sugar-free food.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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