Had affair with sister-in-law, man got cheated as soon as lottery worth crores started! The story is nothing less than a crime thriller…

Lottery Winner Murdered by Sister in Law: If a person falls in love with another, then he does not even remember whether the person in front is right for him or not. Many times it also happens that the cheat is received in such a way that the person in front does not even know about it. Something similar happened with a person who was happy after winning the lottery, but had no idea of ​​the impending danger.

This story is of a man named Jeffrey Dampier. According to the report of Daily Star, this matter is of the year 1996. Jeffrey lived in Illinois, USA and he got more than one billion lottery. Although this lottery overshadowed his life.

Man had affair with sister-in-law
After the lottery of a person named Jeffrey Dampier, he had won a lottery of 20 million US dollars i.e. more than 1 billion 63 crores. After winning the lottery, he separated from his wife and shifted to Florida with a woman named Crystal Jackson. Jeffrey was already married to her. Everything was fine till then, but when Jeffrey helped Crystal’s sister Victoria in her bad times, the affair started between the two.

murder for money
Jeffrey had no idea that Victoria was dating someone other than him. Her boyfriend named Nathaniel also had an idea of ​​Jeffrey’s wealth. Victoria called Jeffrey on the pretext of car breakdown and her boyfriend present there kidnapped her at gunpoint. He was tortured by demanding to transfer the entire money. When he refused to do so, Nathaniel got Victoria to shoot Jeffrey. Eventually both of them were caught and punished by running a case against them.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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