Had to mortgage the house for the dog, also prepared to sell it, you will be surprised to know the whole matter!

People love pets very much. They raise them like their own children. Even if they get scratched, they get worried. Are ready to do anything for him. Same thing happened with one person. Such was the situation with his dog that he even had to mortgage his house. They are saying that if the matter is not resolved then the house will have to be sold. You will also be surprised to know the whole matter.

According to the Mirror report, British residents Lynn Holdem and Alan Bamford had a pet dog. Whom he named Ruby. One day his daughter Kaylee was walking Ruby in the park. Then another dog of Jack Rujssell cross breed attacked him. Tore his stomach and broke his back. Holdem said, his intestines were literally torn. The dog also attacked my daughter. she broke her arm. She became so helpless that she was unable to remove the dog from herself. Blood was flowing from his hand.

bill heartbreaking
Holdem said, we ran to the hospital with our daughter and dog Ruby. But at that time all the veterinary hospitals were closed. After an hour’s drive we reached a hospital. Kaylee was given medicine. He got some relief. But Ruby’s condition was getting worse. His tongue was hanging out. He was bleeding. We took him away wrapped in a cloth. The operation continued throughout the night. Ultimately the doctors saved him. But its bill was heart-wrenching.

The bill reached Rs 24 lakh
Initially the hospital bill for the dog’s treatment was 6000 pounds i.e. approximately Rs 6 lakh. But when it was found that Ruby’s spine was also broken, the bill doubled. Due to keeping him in ICU, 40 thousand rupees were being spent on him every day. As a result, when we were preparing to return home with the dog, we came to know that the bill had reached Rs 24 lakh. Holdem said, we were shocked. We didn’t know how to pay it. We had to save our dog somehow. We had to give him a chance to escape. Now we don’t have money. That’s why we have mortgaged our house. If it doesn’t happen even after this, we will have to sell the house.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Bizarre news, Khabre hatke, Weird news

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