Halal or Jhatka, which meat is served in five star hotels in India?

In the last few years, the controversy regarding Halal and Jhatka meat has increased a lot in India. Along with the general public, state governments have also spoken on this. In many states, rules have now been made that hotel, shop and restaurant owners will have to declare whether the meat is halal or jhatka before serving meat.

There is a rule in shops selling raw meat. A board will have to be put up stating that Jhatka or Halal meat is available here. Let us know in this article today which meat is served in five star hotels of India. Is it Halal meat or Jhatka meat?

Which meat is available in five star hotels

Halal or Jhatka meat depends on the religious faith of the people. It is a related matter. Halal meat is considered correct among Muslims. Whereas, Hindus consider it right to eat jhatka meat. But, when you stay in a five star hotel, then how will you know whether the meat given to you there is Jhatka or Halal.

Actually, this is the case for any hotel or restaurant in India. There is no rule whether it should sell jhatka meat or halal. In some states, there is a rule that the customer should know about whatever meat he sells. That is, in whichever five star hotel you are staying, before eating meat there you can ask whether the meat is Jhatka or Halal.

The hotelier will answer you on this and after hearing the answer you can decide. Whether you want to eat meat in this hotel or not. You can ask about this even before booking a hotel. Many times hoteliers also arrange food for the convenience of their customers. That is, if you like to eat any specific meat, then the hotel can also arrange it for you.

What is Halal and Jhatka meat

Halal meat is meat which is prepared according to Islamic rules. "halal" It means "allowed" Or "valid" And it refers to what is acceptable to Muslims. Actually, when the animal is slaughtered under the Halal process, the blood is allowed to flow completely. That means it takes time for the animal to die in this process. The logic behind this is that by doing this the meat remains pure and safe.

Whereas, jerk meat is called that meat in which the animal has been cut in one go. Hindus believe that by doing this the animal experiences less pain and the blood also flows faster. Apart from this, he also dies instantly.

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