Have you tasted ‘Mirjay Mithai’ of Nalanda? It does not spoil for many days, the taste is also wonderful

Mo. Mahmood Alam / Nalanda. Such a sweet of Bihar that you too will say wow after eating it! The name of this sweet is Mirjay. This sweet is basically being made in Nagarnausa market of Nalanda district since before independence. However, now this sweet is made more in Fatuha of Patna district. Demand is also very much at the local level. But even today, a dozen people are associated with this sweet shop in Nagarnausa market and make and sell it.

The specialty of this sweet is that it can be stored for a week and eaten. Earlier it was made of jaggery, but since the price of jaggery and sugar became equal, it started making more of sugar. This sweet is made of jaggery on order. Mostly this sweet is in demand during marriage season. It is distributed to the guests as Prasad.

Know how it is prepared
In a very simple way to make Mirjay sweet, all purpose flour is mixed with lukewarm water and kneaded like a wet dough. Mixing 25 grams of soda and 150 grams of sugar in it, cutting it into small round shape, frying it in refined, drying it by putting it in sugar syrup. Then sell in the market. 8 to 10 kg of this sweet is sold on normal days. While as much demand is there in the season, so much is made.

The price is Rs 120 per kg
Please tell that the price of this sweet is 120 kg here. This sweet is mostly limited to Patna, Nalanda and surrounding districts. It is known that this sweet was earlier made in a short time for the cheapest and best taste. But gradually when inflation increased and other variety of sweets came in the markets, its demand decreased. Then it was limited to this. Because of which its identity is becoming extinct.


FIRST PUBLISHED : July 06, 2023, 11:38 AM

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