He is 59 years old, this person has stayed in space for the longest time, can make a record of thousand days

Over the past few years, every astronaut’s time in space has been increasing. Space agencies want to know whether humans are ready for long space travel or they will have to make some special preparations for it. Recently, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko has broken the world record for staying in space for the longest time. He has made a new record by staying in space for more than 878 days.

Kononenko on Sunday broke the record of his own country’s astronaut Gennady Padalka. Gennady Padalka had spent a total of 878 days, 11 hours, 29 minutes and 48 seconds in space. 59-year-old Kononenko will remain in his space till June 5. In such a situation, he will complete a thousand days while living in space.

Kononenko from ISS told in an interview given by Russian agency Tass that he had a desire to go to space since childhood. They like to come to space to do their favorite work. He is proud of all his achievements. Kononenko has traveled in space five times since 2008.

Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko has broken the record of his own country’s astronaut. (Symbolic photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Olav Kononenko, son of a truck driver and mother communication operator, was very good in studies in his childhood. But after school, he could not take admission in Kharkov Aviation Institute in the first attempt. After returning home, he continued working at a tool shop and was successful in his second attempt after a year.

After graduating from Mechanical Engineering in 1988, he enrolled in the Cosmonaut Training Program and after various trainings and selections, made his first flight to the International Space Station in 2008. Only last year, he returned to ISS through Soyuz MS-24.

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The thing to note is that this record is the record of total time spent in space which Kononenko has made in his name. The record for the longest continuous stay in space is also in the name of a Russian cosmonaut. Valery Polyaryakov spent 437 consecutive days in space from January 1994 to March 1995.

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