Why Weather Changes Affect Your Stomach Know the Facts | In the changing season, the stomach is getting upset again and again, so it is tight digestion

Why Weather Changes Affect Your Stomach Know the Facts | In the changing season, the stomach is getting upset again and again, so it is tight digestion

If you want to do good digestion, then you have to make special improvement in your diet. Not only this, the diet will have to include maximum food items rich in nutrition. This will make your overall health very beneficial. If there is some kind of disturbance in the stomach, then the most important is what you are eating. Banana: Banana contains fiber called pectin. Which plays a role in controlling the digestion speed of carbohydrates. Bananas are also good for the intestine. They contain probiotics, which are good bacteria…

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Yoga can help relieve stress by promoting relaxation and improvement breathing

Yoga can help relieve stress by promoting relaxation and improvement breathing

Diljit Dosanjh recently told how he can get rid of serious illness like tension, stress through yoga. He said, trouble will come, tension will come in life. As much as I know every day. I can’t even tell you what Does tension come every day? He also talked about Diljit Dosanjh Yoga and told how yoga can give direction to a person’s life. He said that yoga is not a stretching or exercise, but it is a travel. Stress and anxiety not one Often people do not even recognize the…

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Eye Flu in India How Eye Flu Spreads Causes Prevention

Eye Flu in India How Eye Flu Spreads Causes Prevention

Eye flu in india: Conjunctivitis, which we know by the name of flu in common language, is an infectious and seasonal disease. Whenever there is a change in weather in India, Eye flu rapidly makes people its prey. Conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis is inflamed in the white part of the eye. This affects the thin and transparent layer covering the white part of the eye and the inside of the eyelids. Therefore, I specialists recommend avoiding eye flu infection. Let us know how it spreads, what is the reason for this and…

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Lack of Sleep Can Damage Your Brain Know how to avoid

Lack of Sleep Can Damage Your Brain Know how to avoid

Lack of Sleep: Who does not like getting plenty of sleep. Everyone wants to sleep a lot and have fun. As much as the need in life is for eating and water, there is also a lot of sleep. When you take proper sleep, the body relaxes and repairs herself. Due to good sleep, brain functions also do work in a better way. On the other hand, if you do not sleep well, then along with the mind, there are reverse effects on your body as well. The ability to…

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Women are fighting with diseases like pcod and pcos but you do not know about this Silent Killer Endometriosis

Women are fighting with diseases like pcod and pcos but you do not know about this Silent Killer Endometriosis

Diseases related to hormonal imbalance in women are increasing rapidly. PCod and PCOS are similar problems that can cause problems such as disturbances in periods, weight gain, unwanted hair on the face and difficulty in pregnancy. Experts say that these diseases can be controlled by good lifestyle and food, but due to lack of awareness, many women are not able to get it treated on time. What is endometriosis?Endometriosis is a disease in women, in which the layer inside the uterus starts to form outside it. This layer usually occurs…

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Yoga Benefits Best Yogas for Mental Health Improvement in Hindi

Yoga Benefits Best Yogas for Mental Health Improvement in Hindi

Yoga for mental health : Nowadays our life has become so busy that time is not available for ourselves. The pressure and runaway of work is putting pressure on the health of the brain. Due to which many types of mental health problems are happening. The best way to avoid them is Yoga Benefits. A study of the University of California says that doing yoga regularly causes memory sharp, Alzheimer’s risk can be reduced by 37% and mental health. In 2002, researchers at Stanford Medical School could scan the brain…

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Health Tips Can Kissing Spread Cancer Know Truth

Health Tips Can Kissing Spread Cancer Know Truth

Kiss and cancer facts : We keep listening to cancer. Every year a large number of people are in the grip of this deadly disease. There are more than 200 types of cancer around the world and their symptoms are different. If they find out in the initial stages, then successful treatment is possible. There are many confusion and confusion about this disease. One of these is what can be kissed ie kiss (kiss) can also cause cancer. Let’s know its truth … How is cancer We all have trillion…

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Beauty Tips Ammonia Hair Dye Can Cause Cancer Know What to Do

Beauty Tips Ammonia Hair Dye Can Cause Cancer Know What to Do

Hair dys and cancer risk: Nowadays people get hair color and hair dyes to get trendy and stylish look. There are many options in the market of not one or two, hair dys. Therefore, information about the correct is very important. Because the hair dias of good quality paint it inside the hair surface, while poor quality can also increase the risk of many types of diseases. One of them is also a cancer. Does hair dye cause cancer Hair -dye chemical can contain carcinogenous carcinogen. This causes the risk…

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Health Tips Kitchen Cleaning Sponge Can Cause Dangerous Diseases

Health Tips Kitchen Cleaning Sponge Can Cause Dangerous Diseases

Kitchen sponge health risks : We all use sponge or scrub in our kitchen. To eliminate germs, viruses or bacteria, regular cleanliness of the kitchen with a sponge or scrub. Potters have to be cleaned, spices keeping cans, slabs or then gas stoves are used in most of the houses. But do you know that if sponges cleaning utensils are used for a long time, then many dangerous diseases can occur. They can harm our health. Why the sponge of the kitchen is dangerous In the year 2017, a study…

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Swine Flu Cases Spikes in India Know Symptoms Precaures in Hindi

Swine Flu Cases Spikes in India Know Symptoms Precaures in Hindi

The outbreak of swine flu virus in India is increasing very fast. Infected infectious swine flu (H1N1) cases in India are suddenly increasing. According to the new data, till December 2024, there were more than 20 thousand cases in the country, while 347 deaths have been registered. Its cases have been seen in various states in India. Let us know in detail which states in India so far. 2,846 cases in Kerala, 1,777 in Tamil Nadu, 2,027 in Maharashtra, 1,711 in Gujarat and 1,149 in Rajasthan have been confirmed. The…

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