health and diet tips best diet for weight loss to get high protein

Weight Loss Pulses : Eating pulses is beneficial for health. High protein is found in these. For vegetarian people, pulses are considered best for protein. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a large amount of protein is found in pulses, which can reduce weight rapidly (Dal For Weight Loss). In fact, apart from high protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals are found in pulses, which are beneficial for health. There are many types of pulses. In such a situation, you can lose weight fast by including 5 pulses in your diet.

5 pulses helpful in weight loss

1. Arhar Dal

Pigeon pea dal is prepared every day in most of the houses. A lot of protein is found in it. It is also called toor dal. Apart from protein, it is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. Along with reducing weight, the potassium and fiber found in pigeon pea helps in maintaining heart health.

2. Gram dal

You can also eat gram pulses for high protein. It contains not only protein but also a good amount of calcium, potassium, vitamin A, iron and fiber. Zinc and folate are also found in it, which are necessary to keep the body completely fit. Gram pulses are helpful in reducing weight. These contain less fat and more protein.

3. Red lentils

If you want to lose weight, you can eat red lentils daily. It has many more benefits. Low fat and high fiber is found in it, which helps in controlling weight. Along with this, digestion also improves. Eating red lentils keeps glycemic under control. It contains not only protein but also fiber, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.

4, green moong dal

Eating green moong dal can reduce weight very quickly. Just one bowl of moong dal keeps the stomach full for a long time, thus preventing overeating. Apart from high amount of protein, nutrients like Vitamin-B2, B3, B5, B6, fiber, folate, manganese, magnesium, Vitamin-B1, phosphorus, iron, potassium, selenium are found in this dal.

5. Urad Dal

Urad dal is widely used in South Indian foods like Dosa, Idli. Making khichdi and eating it is very beneficial. This can reduce weight rapidly. Urad dal is rich in not only protein but also carbohydrates, dietary fiber, many types of vitamins, calcium, iron and magnesium.

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