health tips autoimmune liver disease causes symptoms and treatment

Autoimmune Liver Disease : Liver disease is becoming common these days. People of all ages are suffering from this problem. The most worrying thing is that liver related diseases are spreading rapidly even among people who have a simple diet.

These include problems like fatty liver disease, liver infection, liver tissues. The most dangerous among these is autoimmune liver disease. It is also called autoimmune liver inflammation. Let us know why this disease is so dangerous, how can it be avoided…

what is the auto-immune system
Even health experts do not have a clear answer about the ‘auto-immune’ disease. However, it can be understood in this way that the one who is supposed to protect starts attacking. Such a condition occurs when the sensor of the body’s immune system gets damaged and it is unable to understand what is right and what is wrong. In this situation, it starts attacking and damaging the healthy cells.

Who is most at risk of autoimmune liver disease
According to the Lancet report, autoimmune liver disease is spreading very fast. Its cases have increased 3 times since the year 2000. Women and people above 65 years of age are more vulnerable to it. The same problem exists in auto-immune liver disease. Due to a disturbance in the immune system of the liver, it attacks the liver cells considering them as enemies. This causes swelling in the liver, which becomes the cause of inflammation and if not treated on time, it takes the form of liver cancer or sometimes the liver also fails.

What are the symptoms of autoimmune liver disease
Muscle Pain
mild fever
Weakening of eyes

Causes of liver problems
fried food
Spice food
junk food

How to keep the liver healthy
Take care of your liver at a young age
Eat only vegetarian food, this reduces liver problems
Plant based food does not cause problems like fatty liver

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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