health tips bird watching benefits for mental health in hindi

Mental Health : The busy life and the pressure of every work is badly affecting mental health. People of every age are struggling with mental disorders like stress, depression and anxiety. To avoid these problems, people go to a psychiatrist. However, with the help of natural remedies, one can get rid of such mental disorders.

According to experts, sitting or staying in the lap of nature for some time strengthens mental health and also removes tension. A study conducted in America has shown that even if you watch birds flying in the sky, mental health improves a lot. Let’s know the amazing benefits of bird watching…

Improve your mental health by watching a bird
According to the Daily Mail report, this study states that just 30 minutes a week of watching sparrows and stars can strengthen mental health. There can be many benefits of this. Researchers at North Carolina State University in the US found in their research that watching birds improves mental health. By staying in touch with them, one can easily connect with nature and reap many benefits from it.

Bird watching gets you out in the fresh air and gets you active. Even a leisurely walk around is much better for your health than sitting on the couch watching Netflix or sitting at a desk for hours.

What is the new research
Researchers observed birds for 30 minutes continuously for 5 weeks. People had to do bird watching once a week. This helps their mental health a lot. Let us tell you that this is not the first study of this kind. This has been confirmed in many researches earlier also.

What is so soothing about birds?

Andrea Mechelli, professor of early intervention in mental health at King’s College London and author of a recent study on birdsong, believes there are several factors behind this. He says nature helps improve concentration by reducing mental fatigue, and reduces stress by lowering blood pressure and levels of stress-producing hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine.

Why is it beneficial?

Studies show that if you do bird watching even once a week, then many of your mental health related problems will disappear. Listening to their voice, feeding them or playing with them is beneficial for mental health. This can also solve many problems.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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