health tips can women take iron and calcium together in hindi

health tips can women take iron and calcium together in hindihealth tips can women take iron and calcium together in hindi

Iron-Calcium for Women : Calcium and iron are two nutrients which are extremely important for women’s health. If there is a deficiency of these, they may face many problems. Calcium strengthens bones, teeth and heart, while iron prevents anemia and keeps diseases away. However, when there is a deficiency of these two elements, supplements i.e. medicines are needed. In such a situation, some precautions also have to be taken. Women should never take iron and calcium medicines together. Let’s know why…

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calcium function in the body

1. Strengthens bones and teeth.

2. Improves heart functioning by relaxing the muscles around the blood vessels.

3. Keeps blood pressure under control.

4. Keeps cholesterol under control.

5. Necessary for blood clotting

6. Helpful in muscle functioning

7. Balance between cells and tissues

8. Preventing sudden increase in BP during pregnancy (preventing preeclampsia)

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what happens due to calcium deficiency

1. Muscle contractions and cramps

2. Muscle cramps

3. Depression-Confusion

4. Weak nails

5. Increase in nightmares

6. May increase the risk of bone fractures

what is the function of iron in the body

1. Producing hemoglobin in red blood cells and detoxifying red blood.

2. Supplying oxygen to the body.

3. Improves the functioning of neurotransmitters.

4. Boosts metabolism.

5. Improves cellular reactions.

What problems will iron deficiency cause to women

1. Anemia i.e. lack of blood

2. Dizziness

3. Weak muscles

4. Shortness of breath

5. Lower blood pressure, slow heart beat

6. Chest pain

7. Being confused

Why calcium and iron tablets should not be taken together

According to health experts, it is often seen that doctors prescribe iron and calcium medicines to compensate for the deficiency of hemoglobin in women’s body, but these do not increase hemoglobin in some women, this is because they take both the medicines together.

Taking these medicines together can reduce their effect. Apart from this, taking both the medicines together can cause problems like constipation, diarrhea, gas and upset stomach, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. One should also avoid taking these medicines on an empty stomach.

When should calcium-iron medicine be taken

Doctors say that if you are taking iron supplements, then calcium should be taken 3-4 hours after or before it. There should be a good gap between the two. These medicines should be taken only after eating something. This gives the benefits of both.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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