Being healthy and fit in a run -of -the -mill life has become everyone’s priority. Many serious diseases can be avoided by correct catering and adoption of good lifestyle. Green tea can help you a lot in this. It is considered very beneficial for health. It not only helps protect against dementia, but can also leave deadly diseases like cancer and heart attack. Let’s know the benefits of drinking green tea regularly …

A study conducted in Japan has found that the elderly people who regularly consume green tea have low risk of dementia. The researcher sought answers to questions about his coffee and tea drinking habits from around 9,000 adults and used a brain scan to analyze the data.

It found that drinking three or more glasses of green tea a day can help prevent dementia. Meta-analisis of 2022 suggests that every cup of green tea reduces the risk of dementia by 6%. Another study has shown that drinking two to three cups of green tea per day reduces the risk of losing the ability to think and understand. Perhaps this is the reason why dementia is not very less or at all, because Green Tea is part of their routine.

Dementia is a disease in which memory starts to weaken and affect the ability to think and understand. Catechins and L-theanine present in green tea improve brain health. It prevents neurons from getting damaged in the brain and reduces the risk of diseases like Alzheimer’s. Green tea protects brain cells by reducing oxidative stress. It increases blood circulation in the brain, causing memory to be bright. It helps in increasing mental peace and focus.
Nowadays cardiovascular diseases have become very common. Green tea helps in controlling cholesterol and keeps blood pressure correct. Green tea helps in reducing bad cholesterol, keeping blood vessels healthy, which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Green tea contains polyphenols and antioxidants, which can prevent cancer cells from growing. Research suggests that drinking green tea can prevent breast cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.
Published at: 16 Mar 2025 07:57 PM (IST)