health tips electrode therapy can help in recovery from spinal cord injury

Spinal Cord Injury Therapy: The spinal cord surrounds the spinal cord. Its function is to carry the signals generated in the brain to the rest of the body. This is a very delicate organ. Therefore, the risk of damage to it is also high. Injury to the spinal cord can be life-threatening.

Due to this, the bones of the spine break or shift from their place. Due to this, there is weakness, numbness in arms or legs, difficulty in breathing and difficulty in controlling stool and urine. This type of injury is often cured by operation, but sometimes it does not heal completely even after treatment for a long time, which causes many problems in life. However, a new therapy can provide quick and easy relief from spinal cord injury, let us know about this therapy…

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New therapy to prevent spinal cord injury

New research in the medical sector has raised a new ray of hope for spinal cord injured patients. The development of a new electrode therapy promises to help these patients walk and live their lives as before.

what is electrode therapy

In this new therapy, a special electrode is used, which sends electrical signals to the injured part of the spinal cord. This signal helps in sending messages to the brain, due to which the muscles can be activated. Scientists from America’s Scripps Research Institute have created this therapy. He told that this therapy is very effective for spinal cord injured patients and can give them life like before.

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How beneficial is electrode therapy?

The patients involved in the trial of this therapy said that after the therapy they got more control over their body parts. Experts believe that this therapy is a new hope for patients suffering from spinal cord injury. With its help they can make their life normal again. This can help in recovering from injury soon.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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