health tips foods precautions in rainy season know how long cooked food should not be eaten

Monsoon Food Alert : The rainy season is going on. During this time the risk of diseases is the highest. In such a situation, one should be careful. A little carelessness regarding food can be very harmful for health. In this season, one should avoid eating anything outside. One should also keep distance from oily things. At the same time, one should avoid eating stale food.

Experts say that some people cook food once a day in the rainy season and keep eating the same food till night, which can be dangerous. Doing this can land you in the hospital. Know here how long after cooking food you can eat it…

After how much time should one not eat food prepared in the rain
Health experts say that during rainy season, the temperature drops, the humidity in the air increases, due to which viruses, bacteria, fungus are present around. That is why one should always eat fresh food in this season. Food stored for more than 3 hours should not be eaten in this season. This is because in this season many foods get spoiled quickly and one does not even realize it. After eating it, there can be a stomach infection.

What to do after cooking
Experts say that cooking food in the rainy season and keeping it in the fridge and eating it later can also be harmful for health. Food should not be kept in the fridge. Try to eat the food after cooking it. To improve metabolism, one should always eat hot foods.

Take special care of cleanliness while cooking in rainy season. Always use clean water for cooking. Fruits and vegetables should always be washed before eating. Vegetables should be cleaned thoroughly by adding salt to lukewarm water.

Include these things in your diet
Experts say that during the rainy season, the body’s metabolism slows down and immunity becomes low, which increases the risk of diseases. To avoid this, one should focus on boosting metabolism and immunity. Ginger, garlic and lemon should be included in the diet. One should avoid eating outside as much as possible and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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