health tips fried baked ultra processed foods increasing diabetes icmr and mdrf study

Diabetes : If you think that eating too much sugar causes diabetes, then you are living in a misconception. A shocking revelation has come to light in the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Madras Diabetes Research Foundation (MDRF). According to this research, the risk of diabetes in India is increasing rapidly due to fried, cooked or ultra-processed foods.

According to this research, foods rich in Advanced Glycation End Products (AGE) like cakes, chips, cookies, crackers, fried foods, mayonnaise and ultra processed foods are the main causes of diabetes. Toxic compounds are found in these, which are formed by glycation of proteins and lipids or modification of aldose sugar. All these are carbohydrates having aldehyde group. If these foods are eaten for a long time, the body may become swollen and this may lead to diabetes.

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Number of diabetes in India

The number of diabetes patients in India is increasing rapidly compared to other countries. According to a report published in The Lancet, by 2021, 101 million people in the country were affected by diabetes and 136 million were pre-diabetic. In such a situation, there is a need to be more careful.

According to ICMR research, which things are more dangerous for diabetes?

1. Foods rich in AGEs

ICMR study states that by including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low fat milk in the diet along with low AGE foods, the risk of diabetes can be reduced. According to this, a diet rich in fat, high sugar, high salt and AGEs can increase diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

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Researchers believe that there is excessive consumption of carbohydrates, fat-rich diet and excessive use of animal products in the country. Due to these, obesity is increasing rapidly, which is giving rise to problems like not only diabetes but heart disease, fatty liver, high cholesterol.

3. Insulin resistance

It has been told in this report that Indians have more problem of insulin resistance compared to people of other countries. In this, the body is not able to produce enough insulin to control glucose, due to which the blood sugar level in the body increases. This increases the risk of diabetes.

Which things are beneficial to avoid diabetes?

1. Foods with low AGEs

In this research, 38 people were divided into two different groups. One group was given low AGE foods for 12 weeks and the other group was given high AGE foods. High AGEs include those foods which were prepared by deep-frying, roasting or frying. Low AGEs included steaming and boiled foods. In this study, researchers found that most of the people in the group with high AGEs were found to have the problem of insulin resistance, whereas this was not the case with the people in the group with low AGEs. Meaning the high AGE group had a higher risk of diabetes in the future.

2. Green leafy vegetables

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