health tips high creatinine level can cause kidney failure know reason

Kidney Health Tips : Kidney is one of the important organs of our body. It controls blood pressure and pH levels by removing waste and excess fluid from the body and helps in improving hormone levels. Kidney health related diseases have increased rapidly in recent times. Young people are facing kidney problems. According to health experts, in most cases of kidney failure, the amount of creatinine in the blood is found to increase. In such a situation, if attention is paid to it at the right time, kidney failure can be avoided. Let us know what creatinine is and how it harms the kidneys.

what is creatinine

The waste product formed in muscles is called creatinine. Kidneys work to filter it, but if the amount of creatinine in the blood increases then it is not easy for the kidneys to filter it. In such a situation, kidney failure may occur.

How to prevent kidney damage

1. Creatinine levels can be maintained by making changes in diet and lifestyle.

2. Research has shown that excessive consumption of protein rich foods can increase creatinine levels. Therefore, limit the intake of protein-rich foods like red meat or dairy products.

3. Fiber can be helpful in controlling creatinine levels. According to the study, improvement in such chronic heart diseases has been seen by increasing fiber in the diet. eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains or nuts

4. Keep as much distance as possible from alcohol and cigarettes. This can cause many damages to the kidneys. Research has shown that quitting alcohol can reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease. Because smoking and alcohol can increase creatinine in the blood.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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