health tips holding urine side effects and risk in hindi

Holding Urine Side Effects : Do you also hold back urine for a long time, keep postponing going to the washroom to complete some work, if yes, then correct this habit of yours immediately, otherwise your entire health may be in danger. Due to this, many fatal diseases can occur. Actually, toxins, dangerous bacteria and extra salt come out of the body through urine. When the urinary bladder is filled, the brain gets the message to release urine, but if it is stopped then there is a risk of many serious diseases. It can have many side effects.

Risks of holding urine

1. Risk of urinary tract infection

Stopping urine can cause infection to spread in the body. Actually, when urine stays in the bladder for a long time, bacteria start growing. This may cause urinary tract infection (UTI). In this disease, there may be burning sensation while urinating, stomach pain and frequent urination.

2. Urine leakage or urinary retention

Repeatedly stopping urine weakens the pelvic floor. This can weaken the bladder. Due to which urine leakage can occur. Not only this, due to stopping urination, the urinary bladder is not able to empty completely and problems like pain, burning sensation can occur.

3. Serious kidney diseases

Uric acid and calcium oxalate are found in urine. When urine is held for a long time, the problem of kidney stones may occur. Stopping urination puts pressure on the kidneys and causes pain in the kidneys or bladder. Due to this, the muscles become stiff after urination and pelvic cramps may occur.

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4. Bladder Stretching

By continuously holding back urine, the bladder muscles get stretched and the muscles start becoming weak. Due to this, serious problems like bladder bursting can arise after a long time. Therefore one should avoid doing this.

what to do, what not to do

Be sure to pass urine once every two to three hours.

While urinating, remain in a comfortable position and do not get up midway.

Avoid stopping urine.

Be sure to urinate after sex.

Avoid tight fitting pants, try to wear only cotton underwear.

Stay away from coffee, soda, alcohol or acidic drinks.

Wash and clean private parts thoroughly.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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