Health Tips Home Remedies For Fever Cold Problems In Witer Dadi Maa Ke Nuskhe

Health Advice: Patients of cold, cough and viral fever are queuing up in hospitals amidst the bitter cold. A little carelessness can make you sick. That’s why doctors say to be careful to avoid getting sick in this season. Your little care and immunity boosting home remedies can save you from getting sick. Doctors say that if grandmother’s home remedies are adopted, then you can easily avoid many diseases. Doctors of Ayurveda say that by consuming things like ginger, turmeric, linseed, cinnamon, one can easily avoid diseases like viral fever, cold, cold, cough. Not only this, you will also be protected from diseases like hypertension, heart attack.

Ginger tea, turmeric it less than medicine?

According to health experts, when the temperature comes down during the winter season, then the body temperature also starts falling due to exposure to cold winds. Due to this, the blood of the body becomes thick and the risk of problems like heart attack blockage increases. In such a situation, to protect yourself, eat 2 to 3 cloves of garlic daily. Consumption of turmeric milk and ginger is also very effective. Spices with hot effects also work to increase your immunity in this season and keep you warm.

consult a doctor

Many spices present in the kitchen of the house keep us away from diseases. Doctors believe that for many diseases only domestic spices work as medicine. But they should also be consumed in proper quantity. If you are troubled by some serious disease, then try home remedies only on the advice of doctors, otherwise the problem may increase.

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