health tips home remedies for throat infection and cold during seasonal changes honey benefits

Home Remedies: As soon as October comes, the weather starts changing. A little cold is also being felt. A little hot during the day but cold at night. In such a situation, small problems like throat infection and cold can cause trouble. However, some home remedies can be taken to avoid these.

Honey can prove to be a panacea to avoid cold or sore throat infection. Eating some things mixed with honey can help in getting rid of such problems. The immunity of the body also increases and many diseases remain away.

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eat ginger mixed with honey

Honey and garlic are miraculous for throat infection and cold. Be it a child or an adult, eating a clove of garlic wrapped in honey every day will provide quick relief. Allicin is found in garlic, which helps in reducing blood sugar, cholesterol and fighting infections. Garlic and honey both are rich in anti-oxidants. This also strengthens the immunity system.

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honey and liquorice

Sucking small pieces of liquorice cures sore throat, infection, cold and cough. Liquorice has anti-oxidants and antibiotic properties, which protect against many diseases. It also helps in reducing arthritis, pain and swelling. Liquorice also contains minerals and flavonoids like magnesium, calcium and beta carotene, which make it more powerful. Eating it mixed with honey has many benefits for the body. Consuming one spoon licorice powder mixed with honey twice a day provides relief from seasonal diseases.

Throat problem will also go away with these things

Basil leaves are also wonderful for providing relief to the throat. If you have pain in your throat in winter or are facing difficulty in speaking due to any kind of infection, then eating basil leaves will solve this problem, because basil leaves have anti-bacterial properties, which when eaten This will provide a lot of relief to the throat. You can eat these leaves raw or by boiling them in water. Apart from this, if you chew ginger and eat it in case of throat problem, it will also prove to be effective for you.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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