Health Tips: If you are also troubled by the pain of stones, then this small leaf will give you relief.

Stomach pain is a common problem, which sometimes occurs due to acidity, constipation or gas. But if this happens daily or every one or two days, then it can be a serious problem. If you are also troubled by stomach pain, then this news is for you. It is not known when stomach pain becomes a problem of stones. The problem of stones has now become common, which causes dangerous stomach pain. To get relief from this, you can consume one leaf daily. Let us know about that leaf.

Benefits of Patharchatta

We are talking about the Patharchatta plant. The leaves of this plant are full of medicinal properties, which are especially considered a panacea for the problem of stones. Apart from stones, it is also possible to cure many diseases. Anti-inflammatory properties are found in the leaves of Patharchatta, which are very beneficial for health.

Will keep the body healthy

If you have kidney stones, then consume this leaf daily. Do it. The stone will come out soon. Apart from stones, this leaf can have many other benefits, like reducing swelling in the body, removing urine problem, providing relief from joint pain etc. You can keep your body healthy by consuming this leaf. Apart from this, Patharchatta is considered a good source of potassium. Which is very beneficial for the muscles.

Consume it like this

Patharchatta leaves can be eaten directly. You can also make tea and drink it. You can also consume it by boiling it in water and adding salt. By following all these measures you can easily get relief from the pain of stones. People who are allergic to it or do not get relief from pain, must consult a doctor.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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