Health Tips: If you want to stay slim-trim and fit, then follow these tips, you will see tremendous change in 1 month

Jaipur. If there is one thing that is being ignored the most in this fast paced life, it is health. In today’s time, everyone wants to stay fit, but very few people are able to take care of their body. Many people think that only thin people can stay fit. In this illusion, they reduce their food intake so much that in a few days they become loose, lethargic and weak. This is completely wrong from the point of view of health. Many people remain fit even after being fat, because they take nutritious food and also exercise. Today we will tell you how you can keep yourself fit even by eating good food.

Take care of your health in this way
When we talked to gym trainer Mukesh Sankhla for fitness, he told us that instead of eating 3 times a day, we should eat small snacks 5 or 6 times a day to stay fit. Eat food slowly and chew it well so that you feel satisfied. If you chew your food properly, you will be full even after eating less.

Breakfast is a must
According to the gym trainer, you must have breakfast to keep your body’s metabolism right. Most people do not eat breakfast due to the rush in the morning. They feel that it is better not to eat breakfast to stay fit. But breakfast is very important for health which gives you energy throughout the day.

Must eat salad
Salad should be a must in the diet and it should be in large quantity. Do not use dressing on salad. Eat carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. These will provide nutrients to the body. Also take vegetable juice or soup once a day. These also provide ample nutrients to the body. Fats are not provided.

Morning sunlight is a must
Be sure to eat something within two hours of waking up in the morning. Apart from this, do not brush your teeth straight away. Brushing your teeth straight after waking up is not good for health. Take some time in the morning to get natural vitamin D because vitamin D is beneficial for health.

Tags: health benefits, Jaipur News, Local18

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