health tips lung cancer survivor sanjay dutt exercise and full fitness routine

Fitness Routine For Cancer Patients: Cancer is a very dangerous and deadly disease. It can happen to anyone at any age. If it is identified and treated at the right time, it can be avoided. Many big celebrities have also been affected by cancer. Some of them are living a good life today after defeating this disease. One name among them is that of Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt.

In the year 2020, Sanjay Dutt came to know that he has lung cancer. At that time his cancer had reached the fourth stage. However, he took action at the right time and defeated cancer with the right treatment and routine. It took 4 years for him to become free from this disease. In such a situation, let us know what was the actor’s fitness routine to avoid cancer apart from treatment…

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How was Sanjay Dutt’s cancer treated?

According to reports, 65 year old Sanjay Dutt is now cancer free. During this time his courage was amazing. He was confident that he would definitely survive this disease. He got it treated properly in India and abroad and underwent several chemotherapy. Apart from this, he did not give up his positive thinking even in critical conditions, which helped him to recover and today he is living a happy life.

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What was Sanjay Dutt’s fitness routine like while fighting cancer?

While sharing his fitness routine, Sanjay Dutt said that apart from treatment and medicines, he took full care of fitness to cure cancer. In an interview given on Free Press Journal, he told that he used to participate in physical activities regularly. Take out at least 3 hours a day for workout. He did 50 push-ups every day, which strengthened his lungs and helped him in quick recovery. Apart from this, many other exercises were also a part of his routine.

Can a cancer patient do exercise?

According to the American Cancer Society, exercising can be beneficial in many ways during cancer or after treatment is over. This gives strength to fight the disease. Immunity is strengthened and many other problems like insomnia, depression, anxiety and fatigue are reduced.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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