health tips now memory loss disease alzheimer will be treated scientists are so close to finding the solution

health tips now memory loss disease alzheimer will be treated scientists are so close to finding the solutionhealth tips now memory loss disease alzheimer will be treated scientists are so close to finding the solution

Memory Loss Treatment: We all have the habit of forgetting something or the other, but some people start forgetting the names, faces of their family members or even friends. Not only this, he does not even remember everyday things. It becomes difficult to remember even the way to and from home, such people may suffer from amnesia like Alzheimer’s. in this disease

Brain cells die and brain size starts decreasing. This disease is increasing rapidly all over the world. However, now scientists have come very close to solving it. With its help, treatment of this disease will also start very soon. Let us know what is the treatment…

treatment of amnesia

A new research has found a way to cure forgetful diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. With its help memory can be restored. According to the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, all the research done so far on the treatment of Alzheimer’s has reduced the toxic proteins accumulated in the brain.

But ‘The Journal of Clinical Investigation’ has given a new option. Tara Tracy, who was involved in the research, says that ‘instead of reducing toxic proteins in the brain, we are trying to reverse the damage caused by Alzheimer’s to bring back memory.’

what is research

What is Kibra and what is its role?

In this research, the role of KIBRA in synaptic function and memory formation has been explained. Researchers have observed a deficiency of this protein in the brain of people suffering from Alzheimer’s. He said that there is a link between KIBRA levels and dementia, which is found mainly in cerebrospinal fluid. Apart from this, a relationship has also been seen between Kibra and a toxic protein named tau-a.

Research on rats

This research for the treatment of Alzheimer’s was done on rats. This protein was engineered and inserted into rats. In which it was found that the memory loss due to dementia has reduced. KIBRA has reduced this disease of amnesia. This research is also being seen as beneficial for humans. Right now more analysis is going on regarding this research. If everything goes well, then very soon a cure for this forgetful disease will be found and it will be possible to get rid of it in old age.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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