health tips silent heart attack causes symptoms prevention treatment in hindi

Silent Heart Attack : Nowadays heart attack is rapidly making young people its victims. The biggest reason for this is bad diet and bad lifestyle. The biggest concern is that even those young people are getting affected by it who neither have the problem of BP nor diabetes cholesterol. Cardiologists say that young people of 20-25 years are neither feeling uneasy nor having chest pain, they are getting heart attacks without any protection. Young people who look strong from outside are becoming victims of silent heart attack. In such a situation, there is a need to be careful.

What to do to avoid silent heart attack
According to health experts, due to poor lifestyle and lack of exercise, many diseases start affecting us with increasing age. In such a situation, youth should adopt healthy routine. Maintain body weight, get regular checkups of BP, cholesterol, sugar and body mass, blood pressure done, so that you can know where the problems are. With this, Samya can be avoided in time and its dangers can be controlled.

Definitely get this test done

If you are between 25 to 35 years of age, then you should definitely get some tests done before going to the gym. If along with ECG, Echo and TMT, you also get tests done like Lipoprotein A, HA CRP, Chronic Calcium, then a lot can be found out from it. If the results of these tests are good then there is nothing to fear. If the results are negative then you can start taking medicines after consulting the doctor.

Problem of silent heart attack
According to experts, silent heart attack comes without any warning or any problem. In this the heart stops pumping blood or their blood pressure decreases. Silent attacks are occurring more in people with diabetes. They do not have chest pain, nor do they sweat, nor do they feel nervous. Deteriorating lifestyle, stress, sugar, BP and air pollution are its main reasons.

Ways to avoid silent heart attack
1. Get enough sleep, so that the body remains healthy.
2. Do not workout more than necessary.
3. Avoid mental stress
4. Laugh out loud
5. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
6. Do diet and exercise.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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Check out below Health Tools-
Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Calculate The Age Through Age Calculator

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