Health Tips Silent Heart Attack More Dangerous In Women Know Symptoms

Silent Heart Attack Symptoms: The increasing cases of silent heart attacks have worried everyone. In the last few days, the way many celebrities have lost their lives due to silent heart attack, it is a matter of thought. The reason for dying in this attack is that it cannot be known that what are the symptoms of the attack? So whenever you see these signs, be careful. Consult a doctor without delay. Because it can be silent heart attack symptoms.

Do not ignore these signs

Mild tightness or pain in the chest can be the initial symptoms. Many people consider it a gas problem and ignore it. On November 10, 2015, a research was published in The Journal of the American Medical Association. According to which, in the research done on about 2,000 people aged 45-84 years, it was found that in the beginning no one was suffering from heart attack.

Diabetes patients beware

Out of the people who were researched, 80 percent were such people who did not even realize that they had any kind of attack, because it was either silent or very minor. The risk of silent heart attack is high in diabetic patients. Actually, people do not pay attention to the more mild symptoms of diabetes and they affect the nerves. Due to which the nerve gradually stops feeling these signals and the problem increases.

women are more at risk of silent heart attack

Research has found that women have a higher risk of silent heart attack than men. There are some women who have the capacity to bear more pain, that is the reason why they ignore minor pain. There are many people who are not aware of the mild symptoms of heart attack. This is the reason that slight pain in the chest or pain of a short duration is ignored. They attribute this to indigestion, gastric reflux or heartburn.

If you see these symptoms, go to the doctor

Health experts say that whenever someone has severe pain in the middle of the upper abdomen or chest for 20-25 minutes, a doctor should be consulted without delay. ECG test should be done. People having diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol level, smoking, poor lifestyle are more vulnerable to it. It can also be genetic.

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