Health Tips Spices For Better Immunity In Winter Know Benefits

Immunity Booster Food: The bitter cold has knocked. In this season, it is common to have diseases like cold, cold, fever. Along with cold, the risk of flu and virus also increases. In such a situation, there is more need to take care of health. Many such things are also present in the house, which can save you from these diseases. Like spices. There are many such spices in the kitchen, using which you can make your immunity strong (Immunity Booster). Many of their diseases can also be avoided. Let’s know about these spices.

1. Turmeric

Elements with antioxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties are found in abundance in turmeric. Turmeric is used as a home remedy for many diseases in the body. By using it continuously daily, the immunity system also becomes strong. Taking turmeric with hot milk or water is considered very beneficial for health.

2. Black pepper

Elements with antioxidant properties are found in plenty in black pepper. The use of black pepper helps in improving metabolism. Black pepper is used as a spice in food in almost every household. Many people also like to drink black pepper after adding it to tea.

3. Nutmeg

Nutmeg is full of medicinal properties. It also contains elements with copper, magnesium, fiber, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. With their help, the immune system can be kept strong. According to many nutrition experts, nutmeg must be included in the food.

4. Cardamom

A little cardamom also does a great job. Potassium, magnesium, and elements with antioxidant properties are found in it. Many serious diseases can also be avoided by using this daily.

5. Clove

Clove is considered a very beneficial thing for health. Elements with antioxidant, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties are found in plenty in it. Its effect is very hot. Many diseases can be easily avoided by using cloves daily in winter.

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