health tips vegan diet can reduce biological age know benefits in hindi

Vegan Diet : If you consume vegan diet for 8 weeks, then your increasing age can be slowed down. In a recent study, scientists have found that this can reduce the biological age of heart, kidney, liver, hormones. This means that if you are 50 years old, then your organs will work like a 30 year old youth.

In their study, researchers at Stanford University, California, gave only plant-based food to people for 8 weeks. In which it was found that the age of heart, liver, hormones, inflammatory and metabolic systems decreased in these people.

Vegan diet not only reduces age but also weight
This study found that people taking vegan diet not only had their vital organs age less, but they also lost up to two kilograms of weight. For four weeks, these people were given a diet with 200 calories less every day. Researchers say that the difference in biological age may contribute more to weight loss than food. This study, published in BMC Medicine, included 39 identical twins. Half of these people were given vegan diet for 8 weeks, while the other half were fed non-veg.

Why does a vegan diet reduce biological age?
The study states that the reduction in biological age was at the DNA methylation level. Which means chemical modification in DNA. This is how age is determined. The denser this chemical is, the lesser the age.

what is biological age
As a person’s age increases, the capacity of his body’s cells, tissues and other organs starts decreasing. When the biological age decreases, the efficiency of all the vital organs remains intact. The age of the body may increase but the age of the organs does not increase.

what is a vegan diet
Vegan diet is a plant based diet. These are foods obtained from crops or plants. These include grains, vegetables, fruits. This diet does not include any kind of animal food i.e. meat, fish, milk, curd etc.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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Check out below Health Tools-
Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Calculate The Age Through Age Calculator

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