Health Tips Wee Diseases Symptoms And Prevention In Hindi

Health Tips Wee Diseases Symptoms And Prevention In HindiHealth Tips Wee Diseases Symptoms And Prevention In Hindi

WEE Disease: Along with Corona, now the havoc of another virus is being seen, which has increased the concern of WHO. This is a rare virus, which is said to be quite dangerous. In fact, Argentina’s International Health Regulations National Focal Point (IHR NFP) has informed WHO about a human case of Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE) infection. This is the first human case reported after two decades. Human cases of WEE were last reported in Argentina in 1982, 1983 and 1996. Let us know what is this rare virus and how dangerous it is…

what is wee virus

WEE is a rare mosquito-borne virus. Which affects horses and humans more. This virus reaches humans from infected birds. This virus comes to humans from migrating birds. Since birds work as a group, this virus can spread to other countries.

What are the symptoms of WEE virus

It has been told in the WHO report that on November 19, 2023, symptoms like headache, dizziness, disorientation and fever were seen in a patient infected with WEE. After this, the patient was admitted to the hospital on 24 November 2023. The patient has been kept on ventilation for about 12 days. After this, the patient was released from the hospital on 20 December. Even after this he was kept under surveillance.

Way to avoid WEE virus

1. Keep hands and feet well covered.

2. If someone in the house falls ill, keep him/her covered well.

3. Do not use products containing DEET, IR3535 or Icaridin.

4. Keep doors and windows tightly closed.

5. Do not sleep without a mosquito net.

6. Spray insecticide in the house to avoid mosquitoes that sleep during the day.

7. Take special care of pregnant women, infants and the elderly.

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