Health tips why head and neck cancer are increasing among young Indians

Cancer in the young generation: Due to bad lifestyle, carelessness in eating, lack of proper care of the body, the risk of cancer is increasing rapidly. According to a research, cases of head and neck cancer have increased rapidly in Indian youth and adolescents in the recent past.

According to the report, there has been a 51 percent increase in cases of head and neck cancer among young people in the last 20 years. So let us tell you today why head and neck cancer is increasing among young people and what is the reason behind it?

Why is head and neck cancer on the rise?

When cancer cells or tumors start growing in the lips, mouth, pharynx or larynx, then they are called Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) or simply head and neck cancer. According to experts, due to smoking and tobacco consumption habits among the youth in India, cases of this cancer are increasing rapidly.

Apart from this, exposure to dust and air pollution can also cause nasopharynx cancer, which is a type of cancer of the nose and neck. Not only this, eating too much of processed and fried food items can also cause cancer of the food pipe.

head and neck cancer

– Oral cavity cancer

– Pharynx cancer

– Larynx cancer

– Nasal cavity cancer

– Salivary glands cancer

This is how the treatment is done

Chemotherapy is often used to treat advanced cases of head and neck cancer, but chemotherapy causes many problems and has side effects. Now immunotherapy is also being used to fight cancer instead of it, apart from this, targeted therapy can also help in reducing this type of cancer. At the same time, to avoid head and neck cancer, you should live a healthy lifestyle, do not consume tobacco and alcohol and avoid unhealthy food items.

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