healthy eating habits best diet for diabetes heart disease and cancer prevention

Best Diet: Nowadays, the risk of many dangerous and fatal diseases is increasing due to food habits. Due to not taking proper diet, people are becoming victims of diabetes, cancer and heart disease. To avoid these, proper diet is very important. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine states that including nuts in the diet instead of red meat or processed meat can reduce premature death by 8-17% and the risk of many diseases. can be reduced. Today we are going to tell you about some such foods, which if included in your diet, will help you forget about cancer, diabetes and heart diseases.

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1. Dry Fruits

Eating dry fruits can provide relief from problems like heart diseases, high cholesterol, cancer, weakness, constipation, anemia and obesity. Nuts contain proteins and fats which are beneficial for heart health. Elements like fiber, calcium and magnesium found in them are very beneficial. Polyphenol is present in walnuts, which can protect against many types of cancer.

Eating spinach keeps eyes and heart healthy. This can remove the risk of cancer. Eating spinach can eliminate the problem of bone weakness and constipation. Lutein, beta-carotene and zeaxanthin are found in spinach. These phytochemicals can be helpful in protecting against cancer. Vitamin A, C, folate, manganese and magnesium are also found in this green vegetable, which is very beneficial.

3. Broccoli Sprouts

4. Lentils

Cholesterol and blood sugar can be controlled by including lentils in the diet. By eating this, diseases like weight, constipation, anemia, heart disease and cancer remain away. Protein and fiber are found in abundance in this pulse. Apart from this, iron, folate, magnesium and potassium are also present, which are beneficial for health.

5. Fermented Cabbage

Fermented cabbage i.e. sauerkraut is beneficial for stomach health. It is cabbage which keeps the body away from intestinal, swelling, weight and stomach problems. The fibre, antioxidants, vitamins C and K, iron, potassium, iodine, calcium, magnesium, manganese and sodium found in it help in maintaining good health.

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