Heart attacks are increasing rapidly in women, know what is the reason for this

Heart attack in women: Due to the changing lifestyle and eating habits of women, the risk of heart attack is also increasing rapidly. Its cases have increased rapidly in the last few years. According to a report by the medical journal Lancet, the cases of heart attacks in women have increased by about 20 percent in the last 10 years. The main reason for which is change in lifestyle and increase in smoking among women. According to health experts, the diet and lifestyle of women has deteriorated considerably compared to earlier. Due to this, cases of heart attack have also increased among them. Know what women should do to avoid this.

How dangerous is heart attack in women?

According to the doctor, heart disease is responsible for 35% of deaths among women every year, which is more than cancer. Heart disease is spreading among women of any age. Despite this, women are not taking it seriously. Lack of knowledge among women about heart attack is also causing more deaths.

Why is the risk of heart attack higher in women?

According to the doctor, there can be not just one but many reasons for heart disease. Both men and women are affected by this. Heart attacks are occurring due to high blood pressure, obesity, bad lifestyle and high cholesterol. Many heart diseases are also its cause, which include diseases like diabetes. If it is identified in time or its risk factors are known, then women can reduce this risk to a great extent.

Reasons for heart attack in women

1. Stress is increasing due to increasing stress and pressure in women, due to which problems of high BP are becoming common.

2. Increase in obesity and cholesterol due to bad lifestyle

3. Regular checkups and carelessness about health

4. Women are smoking nowadays, due to which there is a risk of their veins getting blocked. Smoking thickens the blood and there is a risk of plaque formation.

5. Heart attack cases have increased after Covid 19. Heart attack is like post Covid effect.

How women can avoid heart attack

1. Make lifestyle healthy, take healthy diet and stop eating outside.

2. Exercise every day, keep yourself physically active.

3. Get enough sleep and drink enough water.

5. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes completely.

6. Protect yourself from diabetes and high blood pressure.

7. Keep weight under control.

8. Try to remain stress free.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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