Heart Risk: Incomplete sleep can harm heart health, increases the risk of heart attack.

Sleepless Nights Risk: If you are not able to sleep at night, do not take it lightly at all. Because, it has a direct connection with heart health. According to research, people who do not have a good sleep cycle suffer from insomnia. They are at a higher risk of heart disease. Nowadays most people are troubled by sleep disorders. Many diseases surround the body due to not sleeping properly. Know what is the connection between sleep problems and heart health and what problems are caused by lack of sleep.

Risk of these heart diseases due to lack of sleep

1. High blood pressure
If someone is not getting 8 hours of sleep, then cortisol hormone starts increasing in the body. This increases the pressure on the heart. This increases blood pressure, which is a heart disease. Due to this, the risk of heart attack increases.

2. Problem of inflammation in the body
Due to lack of adequate sleep, hormones that increase inflammation and stress start increasing in the body. This swelling can cause damage to the artery. This increases the risk of heart disease. Therefore one should be careful.

3. Irregularity in heart rate
Due to lack of sleep, there is a risk of irregularity in heartbeat, which is called arrhythmia, which can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Therefore, one should not stay awake too much at night and should get complete sleep.

4. Risk of obesity
People who stay awake for long periods of time at night have the habit of overeating. Poor sleep can increase appetite because it increases the hunger-inducing hormone. This increases the risk of obesity, which is the main cause of heart disease.

5. CVD
The risk of heart diseases increases in people suffering from sleep problems, which increases the risk of stroke and heart diseases. For good heart health, proper sleep should be taken, hence attention should be paid to the quality of sleep.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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