Heat Wave: How long after coming home from the scorching sun should one drink water? Know what health experts say?

If you want to stay healthy, drink plenty of water in any season. You should drink more water in summer because as the heat increases, the body starts losing water. In such a situation, it is advisable to drink plenty of water to keep the body cool. But today we will talk about how long it takes to drink water if you have returned home from the scorching sun?

Also we will talk about avoiding drinking too much cold water. It is very important to drink water from time to time so that there is no shortage of water in the body. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid drinking water immediately after coming home from the scorching sun.  

How long after coming from the sun should one drink water?

Anyone can suffer from dehydration due to staying in the sun for a long time in summer. To avoid this, it is important that you keep drinking water from time to time. Do not drink water immediately after coming from the hot sun as this can increase your problem of cold-cough. Today, through this article, we will tell you the right way to drink water and how many minutes after coming from the sun you should drink water. This will be explained in detail."text-align: justify;">Do not drink water immediately after coming from the sun. Instead, sit in a normal temperature for a while. Drink water only when your body temperature becomes normal. If you drink water immediately after coming from a hot place, you may have a problem of cold-cough. 

Risk of cold and infection increases

If you stay in the sun for a long time, drink water only after 15 minutes of returning from there. When you drink water late, there is no risk of cold, infection, dizziness. You should try not to drink very cold water after returning from the hot sun. This can cause fever, vomiting, cold and cough. 

The right way to drink water after returning home from the hot sun

After returning from the sun, take some rest. Drink water only when the body cools down.

Drink lukewarm or warm water

Avoid drinking cold water suddenly. Drink hot and lukewarm water, it keeps your body under control and digestion also remains fine. 

Keep drinking water little by little. Do not drink too much water at once. Rather drink water in small sips. This provides your body with adequate amount of water. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert. 

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