Heatwave Alert in India: How To Keep Yourself Protected: Check Out Some Do’s and Do’s Not

The Indian Meteorological Department had warned people in the month of April that there would be a severe heat wave in the coming month. As a result, you can see that the entire country is experiencing severe heat but the condition of people living in North India is miserable.

When is it called Loo or Heat Wave?

Hot temperature is called Loo or heat wave. According to NDMA, when the temperature increases more than the normal temperature and the sunlight starts piercing you, then this high temperature is called heat wave. This heat is very dangerous for both humans and animals. So much heat is not good for the body. This can cause tension, stress and stress. Due to which many times people can also die.

While issuing an alert for heat wave, the Indian Meteorological Department says that the method of measuring it is different in different areas. When the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius in the plains, the IMD puts it in the category of heat wave. Whereas in the hilly areas, if the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius, then heat wave is declared.

What to do and what not to do amid heatwave alert in the country?

Keep drinking lots of water and keep yourself hydrated all the time.

Keep drinking ORS (oral rehydration solution), coconut water, lemonade, buttermilk and many other homemade summer beverages properly to avoid dehydration.

Wear cotton, light colored and light weight clothes in summer season.

Always use umbrella, hat, sunglasses and clothes to protect your skin and eyes from the sun rays.

Take special care of the elderly, children and overweight people.

What not to do during a heat wave?

Do not walk in the sun between 12 noon and 3 pm.

Avoid doing any strenuous activity.

Avoid eating salty, spicy, oily and high protein foods.

Food should not be cooked during peak hours in summer.

Do not leave your pets and children alone in parked vehicles.

Due to heat wave there is a risk of fatigue and heat stroke.

To avoid heat, use cotton clothes and avoid wearing tight clothes. To keep the body cool, go out of the house only during work hours and use fans, coolers and ACs as much as possible.

To avoid heat, keep your house cool. For this, put blackout curtains or any other curtains on the windows so that the heat of the smoke can be reduced. This prevents the sun rays from directly entering your house and the temperature of the house remains fine. Apart from this, you can use a fan, cooler or AC in the house.

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