Here even the dead have to pay the rent, if there is a delay in paying the rent, the dead body is taken out of the grave!

Weird Tradition Around the World: The world is very big and here different types of customs (Amazing Traditions of Countries) are followed in different countries. Some of these traditions are very strange. Even in today’s era, there are some such traditions, knowing which you may not be able to believe at once, but they are followed in some corner of this world.

Tribal customs present in different parts of the world make you think, but you will be surprised to know that there is such a place in this world, where people have to pay rent to keep their dear ones in the grave. . In case of not doing so, the dead body is taken out. It may sound strange to you, but this custom is followed.

If you want to keep the dead body in the grave, then pay the rent
In Guatemala, a Central American country once famous for its beauty, this tradition or call it a rule, is followed. Here one has to pay rent every month to bury the dead bodies of people who have left the world. If the owner of a relative’s grave is not able to pay one month’s rent, then the dead body is removed from that grave and placed in a mass grave. Instead, another dead body is buried in the grave. The rent of these graves is also very expensive.

Due to lack of space in Guatemala, there is a practice of multi-storey cemeteries. (Credit-Shutterstock)

Why does such an inhuman act happen?
In fact, due to lack of space in Guatemala, there is a practice of multi-storeyed cemeteries, where one grave is built on top of another. In such a situation, if someone is unable to pay the rent for the grave, then the dead body of his family members is taken out and another dead body is kept inside. Here people arrange for the rent of their graves while they are alive, while it is very difficult for poor people. In the cemetery some dead bodies thrown out and many dead bodies sitting and standing are also visible.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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