Here the job of sniffing potty has come out, you will get salary in lakhs… know how to apply

Various types of jobs are coming out in the world. Most recently, you had heard about the job of smoking marijuana. Now a job more than that has come out, that is the job of potty sniffing. Think how anyone can do the job of sniffing potty. But people are applying for this also. The biggest reason for this is the salary available in this job. Actually, whoever gets this job will get a salary of lakhs of rupees every month. So let us tell you what is this job and how much salary will you get. Has extracted. According to the Daily Star News website, whoever does this job will have to do the work of smelling other people’s potty. In fact, Britain’s nutrition brand company Feel Complete needs people who can smell human feces to test feces and then based on their experience, they can change their products. If you also want to apply for this job, then you have to go to the official website of this company and apply for this job through career option.

How much salary will you get

UK According to the nutrition brand company Feel Complete, she will conduct a poommelier training, in which 5 people will participate and only one of them will be selected as the winner. And then the same winner will be given all the information about the human digestive system, so that he can smell and find out which nutrition is lacking in the body or whether the digestive system is working properly or not. Let us tell you, for those who want to become Poomelia, it is important that they are 21 years or older and they are ready for a very strict training schedule. With this, their eyes should be sharp to catch all the details related to this work. Talk about salary, a person will get around 1.5 lakh rupees per month for this job.

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