here twins are born in every house even doctors could not find the answer to this riddle know facts

Twins Village in Kerala Kodinhi Village, There are many things in the world whose mysteries surprise everyone., One such village in Kerala, This village has a specialty whose mystery even scientists have not been able to solve, Actually, twins are born in every house of this village., We are talking about a Kodinhi village in Mallapuram district of Kerala, Twins are born in every house in this village, There are a large number of twins in this village, which is why this village is also called the village of twins., You will be surprised to know that in this village, from a newborn to 65 People of the year will also find twins, So let us know about this mysterious village today.,

are in the village 550 Twins

Kodinhi village in Mallapuram district is the only village in the country where only twins live, The surprising thing is that here you will find lookalikes in every house, According to a report, here at 2000 In the family 550 There are twins, In this village, from a newborn to 65 You will find lookalikes by the time you turn 10,

As far as official figures are concerned, 2008 according to the estimate of, here at 280 were twins, The age of most children in the village 15 is less than a year, at a school 80 have twins, Over the years, this data has grown significantly, Be it a school or a market in this village, There are twins everywhere,

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The world’s second village of twins

Tell it all over India 1000 in children only 9 babies are born as twins, In this village 1000 But 45 twins are born, This figure is second in the world and first in Asia, Nigeria’s Igbo is number one in the world,ora is, Igbo,In Ora 1000 out of 145 twins are born, according to a report, In some families, twins are born two or three times,

Scientists are also surprised

Scientists are also surprised to see the number of twins in this village, october 2016 A joint team of researchers went to this village in 2015, CSIR of Hyderabad is in this team,Centre for Cellular and Modular Biology, Kerala Universities of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) And along with the University of London, researchers from Germany also went there., Whose aim was to find out this secret of the village, However, even after many researches, the mystery of the birth of twins could not be solved and even today this village remains mysterious due to the twins.,

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