Here you can’t watch TV on your own, watching world news is a sin, less than 1% people have internet

In almost all the countries of the world including India, people have the freedom to live wherever they want, eat whatever they want and talk in whatever way they want. Everyone can live their life the way they want to live, but there are many strange rules in one country, knowing which you will be surprised. Here you cannot watch TV as per your wish. Only three or four channels are shown in the country and no news of the world comes on them. Internet is with less than 1 percent people.

We are talking about North Korea. This country, famous for dictator ruler Kim Jong Un, is in discussion these days due to its peculiar rules. According to media reports, the people here do not know much about the outside world because they cannot watch any external news channel. The media is completely under the control of the government and only what the government wants is shown on TV. At present, there are three or four channels on which only flattering news of North Korea and leader Kim Jong Un is shown. You will get to hear similar programs on radio as well.

Strict punishment if caught watching external channels
If you are caught watching or listening to the broadcast of foreign channels in any way, then you get severe punishment. Even have to go to jail. The radio channels with which the government is not happy are jammed. No news is shown about the country’s bad economy and famine. According to the report of Watchdog Reporters Without Borders, here are some villages situated on the China border, a ray of hope for the people. Where the TV channel of South Korea comes. Recordings of films are broadcasted here.

can’t talk to foreign people on the phone
Internet is non-existent in North Korea. In July 2022, only about 20,000 people were using the Internet here, which is only 0.1 percent of the total population of North Korea. This is the lowest internet penetration figure in the world. No news portal here. Official websites such as news agency KCNA and Kim Jong Un’s newspaper Rodong Sinmun run. Uriminzikkiri, a Chinese site, gives news from North Korean sources. It shares news through Twitter, YouTube and Flickr. The fear is so great that the journalists of North Korea give news on the website or block of Japan and South Korea. There is still 3G mobile phone service. You will be surprised to know that foreigners cannot talk to the people here on the phone.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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