Here you get amazing taste of lentil kachori, vegetables and raita, crowd gathers to eat it.

Dheer Rajput/Firozabad:If you are also fond of eating kachoris for breakfast, then very tasty kachoris are available at this cart in the morning. There is a famous kachori stall near a market in Firozabad. Where there is a huge crowd of people for breakfast in the morning. The breakfast stall offers two types of kachoris along with raita and vegetables. People come here from far away places for morning breakfast.

Shopkeeper Pradeep Gupta, who runs a stall by the name of Maa Pitambara near Shastri Market in Firozabad city, said that his stall has been set up at the same place for four years. It is quite famous for morning breakfast. Two types of kachori and bedi are prepared at his cart. In which there are plain kachori and lentil kachori.

People definitely come to have breakfast at the cart.
The shopkeeper told that people coming to Firozabad come to his cart once for breakfast. The special thing about his kachoris is that along with them, vegetables and raita prepared with pure homemade spices are given. Which tastes different after eating. There is always a crowd of people at his cart from morning till afternoon. After having breakfast here, people definitely come back to eat again.

There is a lot of sale of Kachori at the rate of Rs 10.
The shopkeeper told that this is why people are fond of eating his kachoris. The rate of dal kachori here is only 10 rupees and the vegetables provided with it also have a different taste. The breakfast here tastes like home. He said that apart from Firozabad, people from Shikohabad and Tundla also come to his place to have breakfast.

Tags: food, food 18, hindi news, Local18

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