high levels of bad cholesterol increase your risk of heart disease

According to ‘World Health Organization’ (WHO), most deaths in the world are due to heart disease. According to WHO data, 1 crore 80 lakh people lose their lives due to heart attack and stroke. The biggest reason behind this is bad cholesterol. Will you know what is bad cholesterol?

Actually, there are two types of cholesterol in the body. One is good and the other is bad cholesterol. If there is good cholesterol in the body up to a limit then it is beneficial for the body. Because it is also very important for our body. It helps in producing hormones, healthy cells and vitamins in the body. Good cholesterol is very important to keep the body healthy.

Through this article, we will know in detail what is the difference between bad and good cholesterol? We will also know how it affects heart disease.

If bad cholesterol increases excessively in the body, it can prove dangerous not only for the heart but for the entire body. The risk of brain stroke, memory loss, pain in the jaws, reduced blood flow, fear of gallstones, risk of heart attack, numbness in hands and legs, angina i.e. chest pain increases.

What is the difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol?

There are two types of cholesterol in the body, LDL and HDL.

ldl cholesterol– LDL cholesterol is called bad cholesterol. If its quantity increases in the blood, it starts accumulating in the blood vessels. This condition is called plaque. When plaque starts accumulating in the blood. Blood circulation is badly affected by this. Cholesterol level in a healthy body should be less than 100mg/dL.

HDL cholesterol- Good cholesterol is called HDL. This is healthy cholesterol. It works to clean bad cholesterol from our body. Its level in the body should not exceed 60mg/dl.

According to a survey by Health Tech, 6 out of every 10 people between the age of 31 to 40 years have bad cholesterol levels. That means good cholesterol is less and bad cholesterol is more.

How can we reduce bad cholesterol?

If you want to get rid of bad cholesterol, you will have to make some special changes in your lifestyle. For this, first of all you will have to make some special improvements in your habits. Do not eat such food items which increase LDL. Like- do not eat red meat, junk food, smoking, alcohol, processed food, fried food, ice cream, butter, cheese because it increases obesity a lot. This may be due to increase in bad cholesterol.

Maintain good cholesterol like this

If you want to maintain good cholesterol in the body, then eat high fiber foods, include more and more fruits in your diet, drink 7-8 glasses of water throughout the day. If the body remains hydrated, the risk of bad cholesterol will reduce. Exercise for 45 minutes every day.

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